



… are two sides of the same coin. Anxiety occurs when a stressful situation has ended but the worries persist for an extended period of time. It can have a crippling effect on a person’s life, causing sweating, blushing, stomach aches, negative thoughts, and overwhelming feelings. These symptoms are caused by the body’s and brain’s attempt to cope with a situation that they perceive as threatening. The issue arises when the situation has passed but the symptoms continue, or when the interpretation has been exaggerated or catastrophised. As a hypnotherapist, I understand how anxiety can affect a person’s well-being both directly and indirectly.

In my practice, I work on three primary aspects of anxiety: behaviour, thoughts, and emotions. These three aspects are interconnected and can all contribute to feelings of anxiety. By addressing each of these areas, I am able to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to anxiety treatment.

During the sessions, I use hypnosis as a means to deliver powerful suggestions relating to the therapy goals while the client is in a state of relaxation. This technique allows the client to change how they perceive the world and reinforces their motivation to walk towards their goals.

When it comes to behaviour, anxiety can often lead to avoidance or other maladaptive behaviours. Through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques, I help clients identify and challenge these behaviours, developing new coping mechanisms that allow them to face their fears and anxieties head-on.

Similarly, when it comes to thoughts, anxiety can often be fuelled by negative self-talk and distorted thinking patterns. Through CBT techniques and other approaches, such as mindfulness and visualization, I help clients identify and challenge these negative thought patterns, developing more positive and realistic ways of thinking.

Finally, when it comes to emotions, anxiety can often lead to feelings of overwhelm and a lack of control. Through techniques such as relaxation, visualization, and progressive exposure, I help clients develop new coping mechanisms for managing their emotions and stress levels.

By working on these three primary aspects of anxiety and utilizing hypnosis, I am able to provide my clients with a comprehensive and effective treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs. I believe that everyone deserves to live a life free from the burden of anxiety, and I am here to help my clients achieve that goal. If you are struggling with anxiety, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more peaceful future.




When someone is affected by a phobia, the person develops an exaggerated and unrealistic sense of danger toward a situation, object, feeling, animal or place.

It can affect oneself to the extent that they will reorganise their life in order to avoid facing the phobia.

When facing the situation despite their effort to avoid it, the person would experience a variety of combination of symptoms such as unsteadiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, sweating, increased heart rate or palpitations, shortness of breath, trembling or shaking, an upset stomach, etc.

The treatment applied will be adapted to the client obviously and most of the time consists in skill training and a progressive exposure to the source of the phobia, in live or through visualisation. Some phobias said complex such as agoraphobia or social phobia would require a different and longer treatment with cognitive behavioral techniques and hypnosis.


As a dedicated hypnotherapist, I understand how chronic pain can deeply affect your life. It’s not just physical discomfort; it’s a cloud that dampens your spirit. But there’s hope, and I’m here to assist you on your journey towards comfort and autonomy.

In my practice, I utilize Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH), a powerful approach combining hypnosis with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This provides a comprehensive and personalised method to manage chronic pain.

Under hypnosis, you’ll achieve a state of deep relaxation. This creates a conducive environment for introducing therapeutic suggestions that reshape your perception of pain, reinforcing your motivation for relief.

Chronic pain can cause avoidance behaviour, restrict activities, and trigger negative self-talk that amplifies discomfort. Through CBH, we’ll identify and address these patterns. We’ll use mindfulness, visualisation, and CBT techniques to replace unhelpful thoughts with a positive, realistic mindset.

Additionally, chronic pain often leads to feelings of helplessness. Here’s where relaxation and visualisation techniques come into play. I’ll assist you in developing effective coping mechanisms, allowing you to better manage emotional responses, thus decreasing pain’s daily impact.

The goal is to equip you with skills that enable you to regulate your pain autonomously, gradually returning control back into your hands.

Remember, enduring chronic pain is not a given, and I’m here to help you alleviate this burden. If you’re dealing with chronic pain, reach out. Together, we’ll journey towards a more comfortable, fulfilling future.


Habit removal concerns any habits that you would like to stop. Instead of talking of good or bad habits I prefer to use the term efficient or inefficient. Habits are developed in order to cope with a situation. When they appear they’re often involuntary and follow the easy path. Typical habits can be nail biting, hair pulling, scratching, nose picking, teeth grinding etc.

In order to remove a habit, you can’t cancel it, you need to install a competing one. So a typical treatment would be to develop awareness of the habit, find a competing habit, train it, set it, make it sustainable over time and then practice again and again, “repetition makes perfect”.



Depression mood, is not uncommon, and can affect your life to the point where you stop doing the things you liked, be constantly tired, stay in bed all day, cut yourself from your friends etc. Depression mood can happen punctually but when settled for too long, it can lead to clinical depression. That is why it should be addressed straight away. Although clients most of the time think there is nothing to be done, there are a lot of techniques and actions that can be done to bring the motivation up, stop the constant worrying, bring the energy back etc.

With cognitive behavioral techniques and hypnotherapy, I work with clients to first understand that depression is not definitive and can be changed by them. We work together to redefine life goals, find joy, control the thoughts and bring the energy back sustainably over time.